SRA Transparency Rules – Is your firm compliant?
Speaker: Jo Morris
Length: 2 Hours
Published July 29, 2023 Last Updated on August 12, 2023
Who is this training for?
This online workshop is for solicitors, partners, compliance team, cashiers, credit control, finance directors, complaints partners and anyone who may deal with pricing and service.
Purpose of this training?
Press releases earlier in the year indicate that the SRA is intent on taking a ‘more robust approach’ ensuring law firm compliance with the Transparency Rules which came into force four years ago and form part of the SRA Standards and Regulations.
The SRA are in the process of reviewing the websites of 2,500 law firms who signed a declaration in August 2021 stating that they were complying with the rules. They have already reviewed 500 of those law firms with the results indicating a ‘continued low level of full compliance’.
On top of that the SRA states that it will ‘utilise the proposed new fining powers as part of this enforcement exercise’. This may take the form of the new fixed penalty notices and then fines for the more persistent offenders. Remember – the new fining powers are up to £25,000.
So, what is on your website in relation to the Transparency Rules?
Is the information on it correct and up to date? Does it include all the information required? Do your staff know what’s on the website when dealing with clients?
Your name may be next on the SRA list for review. Act now.