SRA Face-to-Face Training – Technical & Practical

Face-to-Face Workshops

All SRA face-to-face training is delivered live and interactive and explores everyday scenarios, case studies, practical guidance, encouraging discussions with workshop questions and answers throughout the day. Questions can be posed to trainers during the workshops with quizzes/polls being used to engage with attendees.

Current Workshops

The current SRA Accounts rules allow more flexibility in how law firms operate and manage risk but also require firms to make their own professional judgements and decisions in how they protect client money and assets entrusted to them. Details and Booking.

This workshop is designed to meet the needs of individuals seeking to learn about the role of a legal cashier/legal bookkeeper. It will give an introduction to legal accounts and how it all fits within legal practice. It is ideal for new starters, for those returning to legal practice and those working within legal software.  Details and Booking.

VAT Within Law Firms VAT for Legal Accounting Darren Whelan VAT Disbursements Recharges Brabners

VAT is a complex and ever changing tax.  This workshop is designed to focus on the areas that cause the most confusion and the areas that we see HMRC specifically target law firms during a VAT inspection.  Details and Booking.

Billing Within Law Firms

In this workshop we explain what the solicitors’ bills rules are, look at billing procedures and processes, ensuring that VAT is accounted for correctly in accordance with the VAT Act 1994 and the Brexit changes. It will also look at the different categories of bills that can be issued. Details and Booking.

This workshop is tailored specifically for lawyers, solicitors and fee-earners working in legal practice and will introduce you to the Accounts Rules with an explanation of the regulatory requirements and the ethical behaviours that underpin them. Details and Booking.

Practice notes and training sessions represent the Association of Legal Compliance & Accounts’ view of good practice in a particular area. They are not intended to be the only standard of good practice that firms can follow.

Practice notes and training sessions are not legal advice, and do not necessarily provide a defence to complaints of misconduct or poor service. While we have taken care to ensure that they are accurate, up to date and useful, we will not accept any legal liability in relation to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Face-to-Face

Individuals have the opportunity to connect with, problem-solve, and network with others from a wide range of backgrounds that online environments usually can’t replicate. Direct interaction with the trainer is also beneficial. You may also feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom situation.

Face-to-Face – the Cons

It’s expensive and time consuming. Online training can be recorded and viewed over and over again, whereas face-to-face training is delivered and the learner is left to rely on their memory and notes. A classroom setting can also stifle learning by allowing dominant personalities to take the bulk of the discussion environments. Quieter individuals become limited in their communication options for exchanging ideas and information.

Depending on your subscription and the length of the workshop, the pricing is as follows:


Face-to-Face (3 hours)

Face-to-Face (6 hours)








Our face-to-face workshops are hosted and presented within the main cities of the UK. Details on the actual venue will be provided closer to the date.

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