On Demand Training Videos

As an Org Plus Plan subscriber, you have unlimited access to the On Demand training library of pre-recorded training videos. You can watch these as many times as you like at your own leisure. Questions can be posed to trainers during and after the video, with responses being provided within 2 working days. Ensure you’re logged into your account to access.

For non-subscribers and all other plan subscribers, access can be purchased separately.

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#1. You instruct a medical reporting agency to obtain copy-medico legal documents on behalf of a client that has been involved in a road traffic accident.

Is this cost a disbursement for VAT purposes or a recharge?


#2. Your firm is acting for a client and has instructed a process server to serve legal documents to a third party.

When including the cost of the process server in your bill of costs, you treat it as a:


#3. In a non-contentious case, the VAT tax point will be the date of the invoice, provided the invoice is issued within how long after the work is completed?


#4. You’re acting for a client in respect of a compromise agreement. The employer has agreed to pay your client’s costs and has asked if you would address your invoice to them?

What would you issue the payer?


#5. You’re acting for a client in a contentious matter. You have been issuing statute bills each month. The case has now concluded and you’re preparing the full and final bill. You wish to revisit the amount on some of your previously issued interim bills by increasing the amount charged.

Is this permissible?


#6. In a contentious case, the VAT tax point will be the date of the invoice, provided the invoice is issued within how long after the work is completed?


#7. The interest received on for money held in a business account is:


#8. You’re acting for client in a land dispute case where the client has taken action against a deceased’s estate to secure title to a property they own. The client’s place of belonging is the USA. The disputed land is the UK. You draft an invoice for £2,000.00.

What VAT rate do you apply to your supply?


#9. You’re acting for the executors in dealing with the administration of a deceased person’s estate. The deceased was a British National and resided in the UK. However the executors and those you are corresponding with are based in Canada. There is UK property involved and it forms a significant portion of the estate along with UK based bank accounts.

When issuing the bill to the executors, is supply subject to standard rated VAT?


#10. You have instructed an interpreter in order for your client to be able to communicate with you or to enable your client to understand Court proceedings. The cost of the interpreter is being passed on to the client. When billed, the cost is:



Speaker: Jo Morris

Length: 1 Hour

Published July 29, 2023 Last Updated on July 29, 2023

Who is this training for?

This online workshop is for MLRO/MLCO, partners, fee earners, compliance teams and anyone else involved they may be involved in these risk assessments.

Purpose of this training?

In the world of AML we have several layers of risk assessment.  The two top level risk assessments are firstly, the National Risk Assessment (NRA) followed by the SRA Sectoral Risk Assessment.

The next level down is the practice wide risk assessment (PWRA), a legal requirement under Regulation 18 of the MLR 2017 and one of the most important pieces of AML documentation in our firm.

Often forgotten are the final two risk assessments – client and matter.  The client risk assessment is part of the CDD process and you must consider the risks of each client paying particular notice to your practice wide risk assessment. The more you get to know your client and understand the instructions they are giving you, the better placed you are to assessment risk, know when something appears suspicious and therefore protect your firm.

Matter risk assessments focus on the specific risks that a matter presents. These risk assessments should not be a tick box exercise but should identify risks with reference to your PWRA, rates the risks and then, justify the ratings using a support rationale.  Although matters may be of the same type every matter is different.

This live and interactive session will cover the following:

  • What needs to be considered when putting together a client and matter risk assessment – client, location, PEP, source of wealth and source of funds
  • Templates?
  • What does the relevant guidance say
  • Relevant questions to ask to determine risk – not just a tick box exercise
  • Difference between a person and entity client and matter risk assessment
  • Ongoing monitoring of risk
  • Additional information that may be included on these risk assessments

Practice notes and training sessions represent the Association of Legal Compliance & Accounts’ view of good practice in a particular area. They are not intended to be the only standard of good practice that firms can follow. 

Practice notes and training sessions are not legal advice, and do not necessarily provide a defence to complaints of misconduct or poor service. While we have taken care to ensure that they are accurate, up to date and useful, we will not accept any legal liability in relation to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Online?

All ALCA online training is delivered live, interactive and is recorded. We bridge the gap between ‘face-to-face’ and online training by applying a blended approach. Questions can be posed to trainers throughout the workshops with quizzes/polls being used to engage with attendees. 

Workshops can be continuously replayed for 30 days after broadcast. 


  • Reduced cost
  • Can be taken anywhere on any device – no travel time or cost
  • Shorter and more efficient than face-to-face 
  • Live and interactive
  • Recorded and can be replayed at your leisure

Depending on your subscription and the length of the workshop, the pricing is as follows:


Online (1 hour)

Online (2 hours)

Online (3 hours)

On Demand






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Our online workshops are delivered via Zoom. You can access the session via your computer, tablet or mobile device.

We recommend you run a system test and check your internet speed by clicking HERE.

If your firm prevents you from using Zoom, please contact us.

There is no requirement to attend live but we advise that you do where you can as this will be the best experience for you. Don’t forget, you can pose questions live to the trainer and join in with the interaction when you attend live. Also, be mindful that you have access to the recording for 30 days, after which, it will no longer be available.

Not at all. We prefer it if candidates do as it makes the training more engaging but it is not mandatory to turn your camera or microphone on during the training session.

If you don’t have a microphone, you can still pose questions using the chat facility.

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