An Introduction to the SRA Accounts Rules – Online Workshop

An Introduction to the SRA Accounts Rules


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#1. Which one of of the following statements is correct?


#2. Your firm prepare a lot of wills and fixed fee interviews as one-off transactions for clients. However, instead of opening an individual client ledger for each client, you have a general ledger on which you record the details of each client and the costs received.

Is this a breach of the SRA Accounts Rules?


#3. You have paid a disbursement from the business account and now have sufficient money held in the client account towards it.

Are you required to send the client a bill or other written notification of costs prior to transferring the money from the client account to the business account?


#4. You operate various client’s own accounts. SRA Accounts Rule 10 appears to require you to carry out a bank reconciliation for these accounts.

Are you required to prepare a three way bank reconciliation every 5 weeks if you can’t obtain bank statements from the bank or building society?


#5. Is it permissible to issue the client with a bill of costs for an unpaid, not yet incurred, court fee?


#6. You’re firm is acting for the executors in dealing with the administration of a deceased person’s estate and have sent a bill to the executors, together with the estate accounts for approval. You have asked the solicitor that is acting if you can transfer costs from the client account to the business account to discharge the bill in full. The solicitor has replied “no, as costs are not properly due”.

Is this a breach of SRA Accounts Rule 4.2?


#7. The client bank reconciliation must be signed by:


#8. Who sets out the key objectives that all regulators must achieve?


#9. A “qualified” accountant’s report means:


#10. Money received from the Legal Aid Agency on account of disbursements that are not yet incurred or paid is?


An Introduction to the SRA Accounts Rules

Length: 2 Hours

Published September 24, 2022

Last Updated on May 4, 2023

Who is this training for?

This online workshop is for Solicitors, Lawyers, Accountants, Compliance Officers, COFA’s, Legal Accounts Professionals, Legal Cashiers and anyone that has any involvement in working in legal finance and compliance.

Purpose of this training?

This workshop is designed to meet the needs of individuals seeking to learn about the SRA Accounts Rules and how they apply within a law firm. It is ideal for new starters and for those returning to legal practice and accounts.

The previous, highly prescriptive 2011 rules were reduced to just 13. The shorter rules offer law firms of different shapes, sizes and complexities the flexibility to introduce new systems, procedures and policies that both protect client money as well as introducing practicalities for the firm.

Whilst the SRA Accounts Rules have been significantly reduced in their length, careful consideration of the impact of the reduction is required to ensure that firms remain compliant.


  • Introduction
  • Client Money and Client Bank Accounts
  • Legal Aid Money
  • Client Account Exemption
  • Management of Money and Timeframes
  • Residual balances
  • Banking Facilities
  • Systems and Controls
  • Client Bank Reconciliations
  • Joint Accounts/Client Own Accounts
  • Breaches
  • Third Party Managed Accounts (TPMA’s)
  • The Role of the Accountant and the Report
  • SRA Additional Guidance
  • Summary of the Changes 2011 -v- 2019

Practice notes and training sessions represent the Association of Legal Compliance & Accounts’ view of good practice in a particular area. They are not intended to be the only standard of good practice that firms can follow.

Practice notes and training sessions are not legal advice, and do not necessarily provide a defence to complaints of misconduct or poor service. While we have taken care to ensure that they are accurate, up to date and useful, we will not accept any legal liability in relation to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Online?

All ALCA online training is delivered live, interactive and is recorded. We bridge the gap between ‘face-to-face’ and online training by applying a blended approach. Questions can be posed to trainers throughout the workshops with quizzes/polls being used to engage with attendees.

Workshops can be continuously replayed for 60 days after broadcast.


  • Reduced cost
  • Can be taken anywhere on any device – no travel time or cost
  • Shorter and more efficient than face-to-face
  • Live and interactive
  • Recorded and can be replayed at your leisure

Depending on your subscription and the length of the workshop, the pricing is as follows:


Online (1 hour)

Online (2 hours)

Online (3 hours)

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Our online workshops are delivered via Zoom. You can access the session via your computer, tablet or mobile device.

Details on how to join the online session will be provided the day before the training goes live.

We recommend you run a system test and check your internet speed by clicking HERE.

If your firm prevents you from using Zoom, please contact us.

There is no requirement to attend live but we advise that you do where you can as this will be the best experience for you. Don’t forget, you can pose questions live to the trainer and join in with the interaction when you attend live. Also, be mindful that you have access to the recording for 30 days, after which, it will no longer be available.

Not at all. We prefer it if candidates do as it makes the training more engaging but it is not mandatory to turn your camera or microphone on during the training session.

If you don’t have a microphone, you can still pose questions using the chat facility.

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